Acupuncture & Virtual Wellness Consults
Acupuncture is effective for the treatment of pain and discomfort by calming the nervous system and improving circulation throughout the body. My approach is to assess your health holistically, taking into account the status of your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Individual one-on-one sessions are 90 minutes for an initial intake visit and 60 minutes for follow-up visits. Acupuncture sessions may include the use of needles, moxa, cupping, guasha, medical qigong, nutritional considerations, and/or other techniques used in the practice of acupuncture; the use of these will be determined during your session.
I treat pain and stress-related tension due to:
- injuries
- chronic illness
- autoimmune conditions
- autism
- COVID-19 side effects
- fertility issues
- pregnancy, birth recovery, postpartum
- perimenopause & menopause
- anxiety
- depression
- hormonal fluctuations
- exhaustion
- overwhelm
- burnout
- grief
- fear and panic
- worry
- sadness
- lack of motivation
- indecision
- feeling stuck
- deep seated tension in the body due to oppression, racism, colonialism, the patriarchy, narcissistic relationships, and the speed of life
I love treating:
- individuals from all religions, backgrounds, gender identities, and political affiliations
- individuals with mystery symptoms with their lab results and medical tests that are ‘normal’
- individuals going through their fertility and cycle journey – single, partnered, or married
- individuals who feel stuck in life and weighed down in their body and spirit
- athletes and former athletes
- healers, therapists, ministers, shamans, witches, and those who are having a spiritual awakening
- artists looking to support or restore their creative flow
- hard workers who care deeply about their work and/or are seeking a career change
- those who are undergoing a quarter-life crisis, mid-life crisis, or a major life transition
- all ages, from babies to teens to retirees
$195* Intake
$135* Follow-ups
*These are the non-insurance time-of-service rates.
I accept insurance and can help verify your benefits when you fill in your insurance card info upon booking your appointment online. Please also check your insurance plan details since coverage varies from plan to plan.
I offer 30-minute virtual mini wellness consults for existing patients to check in, discuss health questions, or discuss symptoms you may have from a holistic and acupuncture-informed perspective. I ask you diagnostic questions and look at your tongue via video call to help determine supportive treatment approaches for you, which may include dietary tips, supplement recommendations, exercises, etc.
Once you book this service online, I will send you a link to join a video conference call at the scheduled time.
$65 (this is a non-insurance service)
Feng Shui Consult
Your Feng Shui consultation will be customized to your specific space and your birth chart. I analyze the geographical orientation of your space and how interior and/or exterior features can be arranged so that you feel at home and at peace. You’ll come away with specific recommendations to maximize the functionality and flow of your space, which may include optional color choices, arrangements of furniture, decor, appliances and fixtures, and the best use of each room or area.
Feng Shui can be highly beneficial for:
- Deciding which property to buy or rent
- Settling into a new space (even if it has been two years!)
- Refreshing a space after someone you lived with is no longer there
- Deciding how to redecorate, renovate, or reorganize a space
- Finding furniture or artwork that “feels like you”
- Choosing paint colors
- Space clearing
- Arranging the bedroom to optimize sleep
- Finding the right place to put practical objects and meaningful pieces
Want to know more? Contact me to inquire about whether a Feng Shui consultation will be helpful for your space needs. When booking, please schedule an appointment 1-2 weeks in advance to allow time for me to connect with you about your specific space needs as well as data about your home and your birth date, time, and location.
$489 Initial Consult (approx. 2+ hours, in-home visit)
$209 Follow-up Consult (60 minutes via video call)
(This is not covered by insurance.)
astrology: Birth Chart-Based session and Treatment (In-Person and Virtual Options)
I offer Birth Chart-Based consults both virtually or in-person.
This service is my blend of acupuncture and feng shui infused with astrology. This is informed by ancient acupuncture healing practices combined with my own intuitive, meditative approach.
I start by pulling your astrological birth charts – both Western astrology and Chinese astrology. These tell me the location of the planets and the stars at the time of your birth as well as the presence of the 5 elements or 5 phases in your life (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). I talk through what this means about your character, your destiny and direction in life, and ways to adapt to any challenges you may be facing. These planetary alignments and elements can be mapped to acupuncture points on the body and can also be mapped to areas in your home, so I give you recommendations to integrate the information in the form of acupressure tips, feng shui tips, and lifestyle tips.
For the in-person sessions, you can either book a consult by itself or a consult combined with acupuncture. For these consults combined with acupuncture, I incorporate a treatment that is based on the planetary energy that complements your unique make up.
The goal is to mirror your deepest alignment back to you. Let’s look at what your birth says about you, see how that shows up in your body and your environment, and implement ways you can feel more in flow with your own deepest rhythm.
$209 for a Consult only, either In-Person or Virtual (60 minutes)
$269 for In-Person Consult With Acupuncture (90 minutes)
(This is not covered by insurance.)